Peer Reviewed Publications
“Measuring Norms: Assessing the threat of Social Desirability Bias to the Bicchieri and Xiao elicitation method” with Francesco Bogliacino and Erik Kimbrough (JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, 222)
“Does free information provision crowd out costly information acquisition? It’s a matter of timing” with Andrei Gomberg, Alexander Elbittar and Lucas Rentschler (GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, 141, 2023)
“Social Norms and Dishonesty across Societies” with Benjamin Beranek, Lucas Rentschler and Jonathan Schulz (PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 119(31), 2022)
“Intertemporal Choice Experiments and Large Stakes Behavior” with Szabolcs Blazsek, Lucas Rentschler and Charles Sprenger (JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, 196, 2022)
“Endogenous Entry in Contests with Incomplete Information: Theory and Experiments," with Lucas Rentschler (EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 60, 2019)
“Smoothing, Discounting and Demand for Intra-Household Control for Recipients of Conditional Cash Transfers” with Szabolcs Blazsek, Lucas Rentschler and Betzy Sandoval (JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS, 22(1) 2019)
“Valuation Structure in Incomplete Information Contests: Experimental Evidence,” with Lucas Rentschler and Rimvydas Baltaduonis. (PUBLIC CHOICE, 179(3-4), 2019)
“Auctions with Endogenous Participation and an Uncertain Number of Bidders: Experimental Evidence” with Lucas Rentschler (EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS, 21(4), 2018)
“Off the Charts: Massive Unexplained Heterogeneity in a Global Study of Ambiguity Attitudes” with Olivier l’Haridon, Ferdinand Vieider, Agustinus Bandur, Alexis Belianin, Lubomírm Cingl, Amit Kothiyal, and Peter Martinsson (REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS100(4), 2018)
“Informed Entry in Auctions” with Hernan Bejarano and Lucas Rentschler (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY, 47(1), 2018)
“Discounting and Digit Ratio: Low 2D:4D Predicts Patience for a Sample of Females” with Lucas Rentschler (FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE, 11, 2018)
“Savings in Transnational Households: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador” with Dean Yang, Nava Ashraf, and Claudia Martinez (REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, 97(2), 2015)
“Channeling Remittances to Education: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador,” with Dean Yang and Catherine Ambler (AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: APPLIED ECONOMICS, 7(2), 2015)
“Risk Preferences and Prenatal Exposure to Sex Hormones for Ladinos” with Rimvyidas Baltaduonis and Lucas Rentschler (PLoS ONE, 9(8), 2014)
“Valuation Structure in First Price and Least Revenue Auctions: An Experimental Investigation,” with Rimvyidas Baltaduonis and Lucas Rentschler (EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS, 17(1), 2014)
Forthcoming Publications
“Relative Feedback Response in Competitive Environments” with Rimvydas Baltaduonis, Haylee Downey, Kristian Fors, and Lucas Rentschler (REVIEW OF BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS, 12(1), 2025)
“Interactions in a High Immigration Context” with Francisco B. Galarza and Javier Torres (LATIN AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 34, 2024)
Other Publications
“What can experimental economists learn from Adam Smith?” with Lucas Rentschler, in A Companion to Adam Smith, ed. Julio H. Cole (Guatemala: Universidad Francisco Marroquín) 2017
“Economic Systems Design” with David Porter and Stephen Rassenti, in Experimental Economics.Volume II: Economic Applications, ed. Pablo Brañas-Garza and Antonio Cabrales (London: Palgrave Macmillan) 2016.
“Measuring the Impact of the US Financial Crisis on Salvadoran Migrants and Family Remittances” with Sebastian Calonico, Gabriela Inchauste, Claudia Martinez and Dean Yang, in Financing the Family: Remittances to Central America in a Time of Crisis. ed. Gabriela Inchauste and Ernesto Stein, Inter-American Development Bank (New York, Palgrave Macmillan) 2013.
“Diseño de Sistemas Económicos” with David Porter and Stephen Rassenti, in Economía Experimental y del Comportamiento, ed. Pablo Brañas-Garza (Barcelona: Antoni Bosch) 2011.
“Extending the Analysis: Dominican Republic. An Assessment of the USAID Investors Roadmap and a New Institutional Economics Perspective on the Barriers to Entrepreneurship” with David Harper and Andrés Marroquín, in New Institutional Economics and Development: Case Studies and Applications; USAID, Forum 8,Mercatus Center at George Mason University and IRIS, Washington, D.C., 17 September 2003.